Zumba Virtual Class


Join me on<one for Zumba! Zumba is a dance therapy based on many different Latin rhythms- it will get you dancing! As a dancer for all of my life I wanted to add teaching Zumba to my repertoire of offerings for Reiki Sol patrons- something that will stoke our inner solos fire! This class will begin by being held once a month and will move to once a week as my schedule and Zumba dance library build! I have been dancing since I was a child, then danced on stage, and have I have been dancing Zumba for over 10 years! It’s a great workout and I really enjoy it! I enjoy sharing what I love! Once you purchase your ticket online at www.zumba.com, you will receive a link to join! The first class will be held on zoom as I work out the technology, so you will recieve a zoom link! Just reach out with any questions! Class is $10, thank you for dancing with me!

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