New Moon Aries Activation

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Moon Circle is a sacred container where we take time to align ourselves with the moon’s energy as well as other astrological events.  Living in alignment with these energies that are constantly moving and shifting around us has been a profound alignment in my personal journey.  People have been studying and working with the moons phases for thousands of years- in many cultures all over the planet.  Just as the earth is moved by the energy of the moon and the moon moved by the earth, we experience this energetic reciprocity as well. Everyone experiences the moon’s energy- it is universal. I’m sure you’ve heard of the full moon energy inciting very active behavior in people— “must be a full moon!” Women experience with their moon cycles. Everyone can work with the moons different phases - they all carry social qualities. During our time together we will connect with an intention for our practice. I will share about the moon’s energy that day, what will be coming up in the next few days as well as any planetary alignments that may be coming up and bringing some effect upon us.  We can learn to work with these energies in this container. During our time together we will connect with a sacred ritual that is aligned with the moon’s energy, allowing us to further immerse ourself in the experience.  I will incorporate a sound bath and meditation at the end to help us all feel balanced. restored, and supported in this energy.

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