New Moon + Cacao Ceremony Aquarius Activation!


Hello Sol-Fam! I’m excited to share our first New Moon in 2023! This New Moon will be in Aquarius! Join me and we will sip on a warm cup of cacao- possibly fire-side , unless it’s still warming (strange winter Chicago!) and we will connect with this new energy! This new moon will be in perfect alignment to solidify your New Year Manifestations! I look forward to seeing you at Reiki Sol Home Studio for this special event! We will begin with a traditional cacao ceremony, connect with an energetically aligned activity to activate this energy, and revitalize with a sound bath! Bring a yoga mat, blanket, water, and anything else for a cozy evening of manifesting with community!

This New Moon is scheduled to be hosted at Reiki Sol home studio, located at 8833 S Leavitt St. Beverly Chicago.

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